Red Alert Restart for Denver’s Entertainment Industry

Our mission is to promote Colorado small businesses in any way that we can. We are in this together and are actively brainstorming new creative ideas every day so that your business can thrive in 2020! 5 Star Talent & Events, Inc This week, Colorado’s live-entertainment venues, which are bleeding from COVID-19 closures, will shine […]
How to Create a Low-Budget Marketing Plan for Your Post-COVID Business

A recession is always a challenging time to manage a business. Factor in a global pandemic and the difficulties only pile up when it comes to attracting customers and preserving their safety. By considering both your business’s needs and those of your consumers, you can create a cost-effective marketing approach that’s perfect for your brand. […]
How COVID-19 and a 93 Year Old Woman Saved Me

Both my father and my grandmother passed away shortly before we all went into lockdown for quarantine. In addition to dealing with that compounded grief over the holidays, I had recently bought a house and was trying to move, unpack, and get our home life organized again. Then came the global pandemic and worldwide economic […]
4 Tips for Closing a Small Business and Moving on with Life

Making the choice to close your small business is never easy. Along with the mixed and confusing emotions, you may also wonder how to financially recover from the closure of your business. Or, you may wonder how to go about setting up a new business in the future. Well, no matter what your needs are […]
How Small Business Owners Are Coping During COVID-19

Most of our clients are small business owners, sole proprietors and entrepreneurs. With many storefronts closing, trade shows and events canceling, distribution channels slowing or shut down, and overall workplace disruption, there has been tremendous anxiety and uncertainty. Nobody knows the answer to the big question of when the economy will improve or if things will […]
Marketing Stimulus Package for Colorado Small Businesses

Small businesses are integral to the recovery of the global economy. We are a small business which works with small businesses. Some of our clients have been hit harder than others, but everyone is feeling some financial stress or uncertainty right now. As we are all consumers, we do what we can to support local […]
Top 5 Small Business Marketing Tactics During COVID-19

I’m sure you have received a plethora of emails about the measures that businesses are putting into place with regards to the health and safety of their employees and customers with the recent outbreak of COVID-19. Our team has always worked remotely in our home offices so we do not need to enact a new […]