Coordinating Your Interior Design Business: It Starts With A Plan

Just as you painstakingly measure each project, select colors, and decide on furniture, getting your official interior design business up and running begins with planning. For most of us, this means writing a business plan, which is a roadmap you can follow down the path of your own success. Today’s tips can help you get […]
Tips and Advice for Increasing a Small Businesses Website Traffic

Many small businesses may feel like they are playing at a disadvantage in the era of e-commerce, lagging behind the national giants who are further ahead in their technological infrastructure. However, the statistics reveal that there is much reason for optimism–some 70% of modern shoppers prefer to use online shopping as a way to support […]
Using Branding Effectively in Your Small Business

When starting a small business, one of the first things you should do is decide on your brand. Strong branding can be the solid foundation that all your business decisions are made from. To understand how to develop a brand and use it to your business’s advantage, check out this guide from Branding Creatively. Create […]
How to Boost Your Small Business Profits Before You Sell

If you’re thinking about selling a small business, you’ll likely get more money if you can create a proven track record of profits. When your goal is to retire off the proceeds, you want these profits to be as high as possible. Your best bet is to start planning now by looking at ways to […]
How to Keep Your Small Business WordPress Site Secure from Hackers

This can be an overwhelming thought for our small business owners to deal with on security on their websites or maybe some believe nobody will go through the effort of hacking a small business website. We have been fixing an alarming number of hacked small business websites. Please watch the video from Wordfence security to […]
Top 5 Small Business Marketing Tactics During COVID-19

I’m sure you have received a plethora of emails about the measures that businesses are putting into place with regards to the health and safety of their employees and customers with the recent outbreak of COVID-19. Our team has always worked remotely in our home offices so we do not need to enact a new […]