Be True to Your Own Voice – Top 5 Traits of the Best Marketers

Over the years, I have seen a lot of small business clients come and go. The ones with longevity have a couple of traits in common. Here are the top 5 traits of the best marketers:

1) Identify a niche that you can serve better than any other. Do your job well and repeat business and referrals will come to you.

2) Keep your marketing efforts simple. There are a million marketing ideas out there. You can’t do them all.

3) Learn to delegate. Hire good people and don’t micromanage.

4) The lucky ones find a business that inspires them. It shows when you love what you do or when you are just doing it for money.

5) Be genuine and find your voice. Don’t target a group because you think they have money. Target an audience that you have something in common with and create a service that adds value to their lives.

That brings me to reason I decided to share this post. This Saturday is Small Business Saturday. In honor of hard working entrepreneurs everywhere, I’m going to call attention to a couple of small business owners who I think do it right. Amy Berglund is a local Denver real estate agent who loves to sing and loves where she lives. Check her video for upcoming event, “Caroling in the Denver Highlands 2019“. Join Amy and her friends on Dec 8th for neighborhood caroling, Santa Claus, treats and more! The fun begins at noon at the Gardens at St. Elizabeth at 33rd/Eliot Streets, and then carol your way back to the Lumber Baron Inn to enjoy the sights and sounds of the season in Potter Highlands! All are welcome!

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