How to Build a Business Around Sustainable Goals

If going green with your business has intrigued you to the point that you want to revamp most of what you do to build more sustainable practices, you’re not alone. In fact, most companies globally are now implementing measures to reduce their energy consumption from a cost as well as an environmental perspective. Today, Branding […]
Branding Creatively Among Top B2B Service Providers on UpCity!

Branding Creatively is thrilled to officially announce that we are a part of the UpCity community of top B2B service providers! At Branding Creatively, we are a full-service, no-nonsense agency busting at the seams with ideas and upbeat attitude. We have a track record of amazing results, too! Our mission is simple: to provide world-class […]
How to Boost Your Small Business Profits Before You Sell

If you’re thinking about selling a small business, you’ll likely get more money if you can create a proven track record of profits. When your goal is to retire off the proceeds, you want these profits to be as high as possible. Your best bet is to start planning now by looking at ways to […]
How Your Small Business Can Survive the Pandemic

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels If the coronavirus pandemic has severely impacted your small business, you’re not alone. Countless businesses across the US had to close their doors, were allowed to reopen at a limited capacity, and are now facing the threat of having to close down again. And some have been forced to stay shuttered the […]
How to Create a Low-Budget Marketing Plan for Your Post-COVID Business

A recession is always a challenging time to manage a business. Factor in a global pandemic and the difficulties only pile up when it comes to attracting customers and preserving their safety. By considering both your business’s needs and those of your consumers, you can create a cost-effective marketing approach that’s perfect for your brand. […]
How Small Business Owners Are Coping During COVID-19

Most of our clients are small business owners, sole proprietors and entrepreneurs. With many storefronts closing, trade shows and events canceling, distribution channels slowing or shut down, and overall workplace disruption, there has been tremendous anxiety and uncertainty. Nobody knows the answer to the big question of when the economy will improve or if things will […]
Be True to Your Own Voice – Top 5 Traits of the Best Marketers

Over the years, I have seen a lot of small business clients come and go. The ones with longevity have a couple of traits in common. Here are the top 5 traits of the best marketers: 1) Identify a niche that you can serve better than any other. Do your job well and repeat business […]